WOSPAG Greater Accra elects new executives


WOSPAG Greater Accra elects new executives
The Greater Accra Regional Women Sports Association of Ghana (WOSPAG) has been inaugurated and newly elected executives sworn into office on Wednesday at the Accra Sports Stadium.

Mrs. Joyce Mahama, president of WOSPAG urged the executives and members to encourage more women and girls to participate in sports. She said it is time things are done well and better when it comes to women’s sports programmes and activities.
She said WOSPAG is for all women who love and appreciate sports.
“We want ladies who have passion and can organize sports, we have come a long way and we have to take our place in Ghana Sports” she expressed.

The new Greater Accra executives are: Chairperson – Cartherine Takpe, Vice Chair- Grace Armah Allan – Gayinah, Secretary- Vivian Aggor, Financial Secretary – Jane Safoa, Organising Secretary -Abigail Twumasiwaa Okanta, Treasurer – Vivian Kafui, Executive member -Justina Nyarko, Executive member – Lucy Larteef and Executive member -Margaret Deku.

They were sworn into office by Sammy Heywood Okine, Communications Director of the GOC who congratulated them and advised them to work very hard for the region and Ghana.
By Deborah Aseda Jireh
