Memory lane”I needed the last round to win.” against Ike Quartey -DeLa Hoya


Oscar Dela Hoya, made an honest confession that it was indeed Ike Bazooka Quartey, that made him conceded retirement, speaking on Mexican Channel, Power 105.

“I was fighting this guy, Ike Quartey, he was from Africa, from Ghana. He was a tough, tough guy.” the former welterweight champion retorted.

He further made a frank admission that he was losing the fight and needed the final round to stand a chance ” I needed the last round to win. and I finally I won.”See the source image

Mind you, that was the fight that many believed Ike had won. And the retired Super feather weight champion conceded that indeed his opponent was the toughest he had met
“I mean this guy was really tough and he hit me with everything. he dropped me twice, but I think I also dropped him three times or so but I could not walk for like two weeks afterward because I was so sour and it was painful”        See the source image

But that fight equally marked the downward fortunes of Ike Bazooka Quartey.

So Boxingghana is asking readers, eighteen (18) years after the bout. Who in your opinion, won that fight?
