Dr. Henry Manly-Spain Donates To The Black Bombers As Pledged


Dr. Henry Manly-Spain, Vice president of the Ghana Boxing Authority (GBA) on Tuesday presented 5000ghc to Ghana’s Black Bombers who are going to represent Ghana at the Tokyo Olympic Games.

The presidential aspirant also donated special GBA tee shirts to the team to make them remember that they must excel as great Olympians to become world class boxers and champions.

He advised them to be focused and determined to achieve their hearts desires.

The ace boxing promoter and manager commended the technical staff of the Bombers as they acknowledged that their training at the Bukom Boxing Arena has been superb.

He later briefed the media on his intension to contest for the GBA President position, saying that the Authority needs a bigger secretariat like the Ghana Football Association (GFA).


He also promised to work with the Ministry of Youth & Sports and the National Sports Authority (NSA) to make boxing vibrant in the whole of Ghana to attract talents from the everywhere.

He touched on sports tourism and the welfare of boxers which need to be improved as well as capacity building for ring officials.

Dr. Manly-Spain hailed the GBA TV and promised to make it work to promote boxing and generate funds through advertisements.

He guaranteed a cordial relationship with the media and creation of more continental and world boxing champions.

Mr. Yoofi Boham, leading boxing consultant cautioned the Black Bombers against complacency and asked them to obey the coach, knowing also that there are millions of Ghanaians praying for them.

He expressed that being an Olympian is an accomplishment, and going to win a medal can bring enough respect to the amateur boxer and the nation.


Coach Ofori Asare, the hard working technical director received the cash donation, and promised that the Black Bombers will perform well in Tokyo.

Present to support the GBA Veep were Mr. Laud Aquaye, Coach Carl Lokko and some Friends of Boxing.

By Sammy Heywood Okine

Read more on boxinghana.com
