Commonwealth Title: Box Office Promotions Wins Purse Bid For Felix Williams-Ryan Doyle


Alex Ntiamoah-Boakye’s Box Office Sports Promotions have won the purse bid for the Commonwealth featherweight championship between Nigerian but based in Ghana Felix Williams (25-1, 18 KOs) and current holder, Ryan Doyle of the UK (17-2-1, 9 KOs).

With Ghana’s Box Office Sports Promotions winning the bid, the aforementioned bout will be staged in Ghana.

A letter signed by the Commonwealth Boxing Council Secretary, Simon Block which was sent to Box Office Sports Promotions CEO, Alex Ntiamoah-Boakye read:

“Your bid for the mandatory defence of the Commonwealth Featherweight championship by Ryan Doyle against Felix Williams in the sum of £11,000.00 was successful.

“You will now need to arrange for both parties to sign standard GBA contracts and once done, copies must be returned to me within a deadline set.”
