Boxing Gyms In The Northern Regions Appeal For Recognition And Support


Boxing Gyms In The Northern Regions Appeal For Recognition And Support

Waliu Alhassan, a boxing coach in Tamale in the Northern Region of Ghana has on behalf of other gyms and clubs appealed to the Ghana Boxing Federation (GBF) and the Ghana Boxing Authority (GBA) to consider them in their events and programmes.

Alhassan who is very passionate about boxing and want to train the youth in his area to have a talent and future said “at the moment we lacking almost everything about boxing. No punching bag, gloves, precision pad, boxing, ring to mention but few.

“Naturally we’ve been faced with numerous challenges when it comes to gym facility and boxing equipment”.

He said it is great that the regions in the south are being considered for the Fist of Fur, but guessed the decision regarding 4 or 5 regions added to Accra for the participation of the boxing league has already been made.

He suggested and appealed that, the familiarization tour by Dr. Ofori Asare, the GBF technical director should be extended to other regions especially the three northern regions of Ghana.

By Sammy Heywood Okine
