WOSPAG Commends African Women Sports Summit


The Women Sports Association of Ghana (WOSPAG) whose executives and members participated in the AW Sports Summit have commended the event organisers and hoped for more of such inspiring summits. Here are some of the views:

President of Women Sports Association of Ghana WOSPAG Mrs. Joyce Mahama said
“The Summit was great. I was honored to be a guest. You know what, all the speakers did a good job .they were very impressive. Carol Tsabalala from South Africa and Usher Komugish from Uganda did very well as they talked about their experience on the job. The Summit was very inspiring we all had a lot to learn In fact the Summit had come at the right time .On behalf of WOSPAG I say Ayekoo to  the organizers of the Summit. This shows that there are more thing we can do as women in the Country and even in Africa as women Leaders. The Theme of the Summit TAKE YOUR PLACE .is very deep as most females at times feel inferior to their male counterparts. I call on all women especially women Leaders to lnitiate the Coversation and Discussion on women Empowerment in the area of Sports Participation Administration and Dissemination.Women in Sports must be encouraged to be Confident and move a step higher. Our Sports Women must be given the urge to rub shoulders with other nationals during International competitions. As Ghana prepares to host the African Games in 2023, I call on all girls ladies and women involved in Sports to be bold and go the extra mile to be Champions. I also call on all women sports groups to join WOSPAG so that together we can TAKE OUR PLACE and do what is expected of us. Finally I call on the Authorities to build Sports Halls and running Tracks to equip our sports men and women to win laurels for Ghana.

Abigail Twumasiwaa Okanta of the Ghana Sports Supporters who was an usher at the Alisa Swiss Spirit Hotel said “It will better if the sports authority take our women sports serious to encourage more female participation in sports activities.. Some girls can become journalists and others athletes or supporters like me. All over the world countries are taking women sports seriously and Ghana can do better. Please yes it inspired me yeah this should be the end of negative reporting and I think we should try the summit every year or should come on every two years”.

By Sammy Heywood Okine
