Wisdom Boxing Promotions last Saturday night thrilled boxing fans with an exciting and power packed boxing event dubbed, Return of the Beast.
The Salafest boxing night was one of a kind which had an international and national titles at stake, attracting prominent persons like boxing Hall of famer Prof Azumah Nelson, Amb. Ray Quarcoo, Five (5) Ambassadors and twenty-seven (27) members from the European Union.
For a new promotional syndicate like Wisdom Boxing Promotions to be able match up boxers from other African countries like Nigeria and Togo is highly commendable.
The Salafest Boxing Event held at Decathlon Ghana, Kawukudi was the 3rd boxing event held by Dr. Ofori Asare’s Wisdom Boxing Promotions which had its maiden event held last year on August 26, 2023 at the Accra Sports Stadium dubbed “Boxing Fundraiser”; an event held to raise funds to support the Educational Sector in the Northern Region.
The promotional syndicate went on to stage its second boxing event on 22nd December, 2023 at the Bukom Boxing Arena dubbed, Nshona Rave.
Wisdom Boxing Promotions was founded by top notch boxing coach Dr. Ofori Asare to promote top-tier African boxing talents to a global audience. It was of no surprise at all to see emerging talents so far from its three GBA licensed boxing events like Ghanaian Samson Jara, Rasheed Idowu from Nigeria and Fioklu Dogbevi; a Togolese boxer who gave Ghana’s Nana Adjei Clinton a tough time despite suffering a defeat at the just ended Salafest boxing night.
With this exposure to the global scene, many will remember the new UBO African champion Rasheed Idowu as declared by UBO and Fioklu Dogbevi whenever their names pops up in any boxing event: this is what Wisdom Boxing Promotions was founded for.

With such well organised event last Saturday night devoid of other “technical issues”, Ghana will look forward to see more exciting boxing events from Dr. Asare’s Wisdom Boxing Promotions.

Boxinghana.com says ‘kudos’ for great job done and more grease for better ones ahead!