

By Marunda Oko Kitaru, Moshi, Tanzania, Jan 10, 2022

Ever head of the Muhammad Ali Boxing Reform Act? The Act was enacted in 1999 to protect the rights and welfare of boxers from exploitation, enforcement, aid states commission with the oversights in boxing and increase sportsmanship and integrity within the boxing industry.


PURELY, an American model and interests, PERIOD!

But, because the sport of boxing is universal, we can to learn and borrow a thing or two from this Act.

Which brought to today’s subject matter, what are the WABA interests in the Act, the answers to that is simply, boxers rights and welfare are it’s Paramount objectives.


WABA was formed primarily with an eye to the man and woman in the ring.

-To protect their rights and welfare.

-To change the way sponsorship be corporate or pay-per-view are shared amongst the boxing tournament’s participants.

-To work with national commissions, boards and boxing authorities to enhance and strengthen the rights of boxers to retirement benefits schemes.

-To make sure that each boxer who fights for WABA titles is ranked appropriately.

-To work with national associations, commissions and boards to build the capacity of ring officials so that they can officiate professionally and contribute to the growth of boxing.

-To unveil professional programs that would upgrade the knowledge of promoters, managers, boxing agents, matchmakers, coaches/trainers and boxing administrators!

Presently, WABA is in the discussion with three boxing Commission, Board and Authority in Africa, Asia Pacific and Middle East to write, structure, make official and implement some of its above mentioned objectives.


The negotiation is at various advanced levels and it seeks to overhaul the sport of boxing so that the man and woman in the ring can be a focal point of economic gains.


Talking to the founder of WABA Hon. Ky Col Onesmo Alfred McBride Ngowi he is of the opinion that unless developing countries work together to build capacity and change the mindset of its population towards boxing it’s boxers would continue to be professional challengers and always dream of economic gains.


Ngowi a former amateur and professional boxer himself spent twenty (20) years at the top helm in the International Boxing Federation (IBF) as the number two highest ranked in the Ratings Committee has great plans for boxers in the developing world.

He also spent eighteen (18) years as the Director of the Commonwealth Boxing Council (CBC), six (6) years at the China’s based IBF Silk and Road and five (5) years at the Bangkok, Thailand based IBF Muaythai respectively.


The WABA Czar, also founded the IBF/Africa in 1999 and led it til 2019 when he founded WABA, Tanzania Professional Boxing Commission (TPBC) in 2000 and led it till 2018, East and Central Africa Professional Boxing Commission (ECAPBF) in 2004 and led it till 2017.


The WABA Supremo sees a distant light at the end of the tunnel in terms of boxing success but caution that massive conflict of interests may hinder reform projected in boxing.


