

Alex Ntiamoah Boakye is the head of the blockbuster promotional hub –Box Office Sports Promotions, located in Accra Ghana. The very humble but smart businessman is just about putting together another classic event on March 8 dubbed The ‘Bukom Brawl’ which features two local favourites, Sherrif Quaye and Michael Ansah as well as former world champion Joshua Clottey.

BoxingGhana caught up with Mr. Alex Ntiamoah in an interview at MultiChoice Office, Abelemkpke…..enjoy the dialogue


Interviewer: Alex, you’ve been noted for organizing some very mouth watery bouts. First of all what informed you putting Michael Ansah against Sherrif Quaye?

Alex: I believe we at Box Office, we believe that the boxing fans deserve what they want to watch and they deserve quality boxing. So, as there’s unfinished score to settle between Michael Ansah and Sherrif Quaye, I believe we need to bring this back to the fans. Because, in the boxer’s own words, it was a very close fight the last time they fought, and people want to see something clear. We want to see whether there will be a repeat or a revenge. That is the reason why we are bringing this bout to the boxing populace. So, for us at Box Office, we believe in getting the boxing fans what they want. And that is what they were yearning for, so we need to bring it to them.


Interviewer: How difficult was it putting this whole bill together? Because we’ve seen some very interesting match ups as well.

Alex: Actually, it all boils down to relationship. It’s not like when you want the boxers to fight then you go to them. You need to be supportive to them all the time. Not only in money, but in terms of moral support all the time. And they believe I’m always there for them, so whenever there’s something that you need to talk to them about, in terms of coming together to fight, they believe you have something that is beyond just getting them to be in the ring. But they believe you can always be there to support them, whenever there is a problem. Not monetary, but like I said, moral support and advisory support.
These are guys that all the time I’m with them and I’m down to earth to listen to them, and that’s the magic, they’re in Box Office.


Interviewer: You got Joshua Clottey to come into the ring for the first time in so many years. What kind of relationship do you have with him? Because he stressed on the fact that you have a good rapport with him. What kind of relationship do you have with him, and where are you hoping to see in him … His second comeback, where are you hoping to see him reach?

Alex: Actually, Joshua, though he’s a little bit older than me, but we grew in the same locality, I give him a lot of respect. When he had his last fight against Ayittey Powers here in Ghana, he relocated to US. Most of the time, whenever there’s something that he needs somebody to run some errands for him, like in terms of documentational paperwork, I’ve been doing that for him for a long time. In terms of renewing his passport, getting documents, booking, appointment for him for visa interviews and all that stuff. Sometimes, some of his management contract and all that stuff. I go through and also advise him on certain things. We are very close around that area, and he believes me with doing all these things for him, I deserve something from him as a boxer.

He promised me that, “Don’t worry. Any time you want me to fight. Even if I’m signed on to a big promoter out there, I’ll talk to them and they’ll understand.” So that is a fulfillment of his promise.


Interviewer: Box Office, you guys are really doing very well. Ghana boxing is on the ascendency…What would you say are some of the things that we need to bring into our boxing in order to improve it?

Alex: Actually, I believe good match-up fights like this. Because, most of the time all the boxers want to pass the easy way. And when you’re always pitted against boxers who are not quality, most of the time it will affect you when you reach the international level. So, I believe they need to go through the mill, and when they’re able to come up successful, that is … You are assured of something good out there. Going out to the world and conquer. But, if you’re trying to dodge all the good boxers here and trying to fight sub-standard boxers, it will be very hard for you to beat somebody at the world level.

So, it’s like you need to conquer your country first, then you can move out to the world and conquer. That is why I believe we should be able to pair two quality boxers together. People would say, we want world champion, so we need to let this guy pass his way, this guy also pass his way. When you’re able to put them together … Ghanaian boxing fans deserve to see quality fights. So we cannot just put a substandard fighter and a standard fighter all the time for them to watch. But, we need to be able to bring boxers that are at the quality level. And we believe that will raise Ghana boxing to the next level.


Interviewer: Interesting. Finally, we want to know what is going to happen in your next promotional deal?

Are we looking at having some boxers from America, UK, Russia and crack one of the crack countries that produce good boxers. You have shown the way that you’re a very good promoter as well. Are we looking at that in your next promotional deal?

Alex: Yeah, actually you know, boxing is a world thing. So if you’re doing something you need to connect to the world. And that is the reason why I’m bringing some partners from Dubai who have boxers across the world. From Kazakhstan, from Philippians, from Afghanistan, from Holland and all that stuff. If we’re able to get into that kind of network, you’ll be able to push your local boxers to the next level. And, I believe my next bout I’m bringing other boxers. I’m not only looking at United States. Though, now United States is the Mecca of boxing. But, you know, with these world economy, we have seen a paradigm shift from the US to China and other places. So, the same, we believe that boxing can move from America to elsewhere. We’re looking at the numbers in India, China. I’m building relationships across those areas too, so that in future when the paradigm shifts, then we will be at a safer side to be able to push our boxers to the next level. So the network is there. All around.

Interviewer: Thank you very much.
Alex              : Sammy, thank you.

Transcription BY : Anthony Arthur
