Sergey Kuzmin makes a quick work of Richard Lartey in round one


Richard Lartey got knocked out for the second time in two successive defeats in Russia against Sergey Kuzmin at the Concert Hall Mir in Moscow.


The 10 rounder bout came to a complete halt after the Kolchugino, Vladimir Region native KOed his Ghanaian counterpart Lartey who was fighting as a licensed Tanzanian.


Thirty four (34) year old Sergey Kuzmin made a quick work of his opponent Lartey who happens to be the former World Boxing Organization (WBO) Africa heavyweight champion in a little over 2 minutes in the maiden round after a series of toe to toe exchanges.


Kuzmin’s record now reads 16 victories with 2 defeats with 13 knockouts with his last defeat to fellow African from the Democratic Republic Of Congo, Martin Bakole (18-1, 13KOs) in 2018 when he attempted the vacant International Boxing Organization Inter-Continental heavy title.


This is the Ghanaian born Tanzanian licensed’s fifth straight defeat and a second back to back defeats in a row.


His record now stands 14 victories with 5 defeats.


Remember, Richard was compelled to fight in Tanzanian colours due to an alleged forged release letter from the Ghana Boxing Authority (GBA) with a forged signature of the GBA Secretary General then which got him punished with a five year suspension.


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