Random draw system is now used by the IBA to appoint its referees and judges


Random draw system is now used by the IBA to appoint its referees and judges

Random draw system and vetting
A random draw system is now used by the IBA to appoint its referees, judges and technical officials for flagship competitions such as the World Championships.

Members of the IBA’s Referees and Judges and Competitions Committees first hold meetings to draw up a list of officials who have the appropriate knowledge, skills and experience, in order to ensure the event is officiated to the highest standards.

For the 2022 Women’s World Boxing Championships in Istanbul, this list was then forwarded on to the MIIT for vetting.

Any official declared “high risk” by McLaren’s team, or someone who refused to be assessed, was removed from the list and not considered for the Championships.

Replacements were then found.

Pre-course requirements are also in place for all officials eventually chosen.

The International Boxing Association operates a random draw system for officials at its major events ©IBA
