Photos: Miguel Berchelt, Maxwell Awuku Ready To Rumble


WBC World super featherweight beltholder, Miguel Berchelt from Mexico and Maxwell Awuku made weight for Saturday’s fight in Cancun, Mexico.

The two pugilists completed their mandatory weigh-in on Friday at the Grand Oasis Hotel.

Awuku weighed 129Ibs as against Berchelt’s 130Ibs.

“Winning is the only thing I have in mind,” the 34 year-old Ghanaian said ahead of the clash.

He continued, ”I am very happy and most grateful that they have given me this wonderful opportunity. Hey, I know that I’m not the favorite, and I also know that I’m on foreign territory. But…I’m in excellent shape with great enthusiasm to provide a big surprise. I come to win and that’s exactly what will happen!.”

The champion in his speech ahead of the battle said:


“I am very happy to return to my home as a world champion; I chose to make this fight in Cancun because I have to show to my people the result of years of work. I’m not worried at all about the rival changes that we had, because I trained to win and I’m ready for everything inside the ring.”
