Photos: Four-Day Coaching Course For Coaches Ends


The Ghana Boxing Authority (GBA) has ended its National Coaches course on Friday at the Accra Sports Stadium.

The course kicked off last Tuesday and it attracted over 35 coaching coaches nationwide. The course was aimed at sharpening the skills of coaches ahead of the impeding revival of the national boxing league.

The course was climaxed with an examination on Friday. All the participants took part in the examination and they were awarded with certificate of participation.

The course instructor Ofori Asare in his address congratulated the particpants who took part in the examination and according to the AIBA instructor the full results of the exams would be released in the three weeks time.

The brain behind the course, former Ghana Boxing Authority president, Moses Foh Amoaning, expressed gratitude to the participants and urged them to replicate what they have learned in their respective gyms.

He also confirmed that, the coaches that will excel will get the opportunity to undertake AIBA Star 1 course. Amoaning added that British boxing instructor Terry Edwrads will arrive in Ghana next tywo weeks to continue from where Ofori Asare left off.

The NSA boss, Robert Safo Mensah promised that the course will not be the first or the last, he said it has come to stay.

The GBA president, Zwennes, took his turn and advised the the coaches to be of good behaviour and also take full advantage when a course for coaches is being organised.
