Moses Foh Amoaning elected president of Ghana Boys Brigade


Moses Foh Amoaning elected president of Ghana Boys Brigade

Lawyer Moses Foh Amoaning, a law lecturer and former president of the Ghana Boxing Authority (GBA) has been elected president of Ghana Boys Brigade at their 5th Biennial and 62nd National Council Meeting.

He had 229 votes, while Rev. Isaac Enninful polled 148 votes.

The astute lawyer and keen sports lover said he has come to transform the Boys Brigade, with exciting programmes and events.

He spoke about personality and management transformation, financial sustainability, effective programme delivery, exchange programmes, infrastructure development and reviving the organization in Ghana.

The meeting was held at the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, Emmanuel Congregation, Suhum in the Eastern Region on Saturday, 10th October, 2020 under the theme “Repositioning the Boys’ Brigade for a Holistic Growth” (Luke 2:52).

Honorary and Company Officers attended the Council Meeting.

The National Council Meeting is the highest decision body of the Boys’ Brigade, Ghana. It is also the climax of the Brigade Session. The constitution of the Brigade thereby demands the presence of each Company at the Council Meeting.

During the election for a New Boys Brigade President, the certified nominees were Rev. Isaac Kwame Enninful – A Minister of the Methodist Church Ghana and Mr. Moses Kobina Foh-Amoaning (Esq) – A Legal Consultant and a member of the Methodist Church Ghana put themselves forward with the latter getting the nod.

Present was Rev. David N. Agbloe (Executive Secretary) and the Honorary Treasurer as well as Regional Chairmen, Regional Chaplains, Vice Presidents, Regional Chairmen and Regional Organizers.

Participants observed the safety protocols such as wearing of nose/face mask and the use of alcohol based hand sanitizers with appreciable social distancing.

By Sammy Heywood Okine
