Meet the 5 year old Prince Larbie who is aiming for a world title in 13 years time


Meet the 5 year old Prince Larbie who is aiming for a world title in 13 years time


Prince Larbie is a five year old young boxing prospect at the Will Power Gym inside Jamestown In the City of Accra, Ghana.

The young lad already has his sights on the world title.

The young passionate boxer is the son of boxing trainer Daniel Larbie and his better half Matilda Ahiadu.

Prince’ father Daniel is himself a boxing trainer at the Will Power Gym formerly owned and managed by the late Napoleon Tagoe.

According to the young Prince Larbie, his ultimate aim in 13 years time is to win a world title for Ghana.

He craves so much for the world titleship that he is combining learning with training at his father’s Will Power Gym.

When caught up with this young five year old child , he intimated his desire to someday become a world champion

“I love boxing and I want to win the world title someday when I am older.”Prince Larbie told

Prince Larbie’s dad is from the Manhean family and currently their family head.

The mother hails from the Volta regional town of Have Dakpa.

But for a young propesct as Prince’ nature, one is expecting more support to help him nurture his budding talent. is poised to keep monitoring young Prince Larbie till he reaches the destination of his boxing dreams.

Watch the full video of this wonderful young talent Prince Larbi today on HSTV’s comprehensive sports reality magazine show dubbed ‘Ultimate Sports’ at 7:30pm tonight.

