Interview with Abraham Neequaye CEO BabyJet Promotions on Robert Quaye’s contract termination and more 



Editorial board transcription on the exact interview with Abraham Neequaye CEO BabyJet Promotions on Robert Quaye’s contract termination and more



In the midst of the brouhaha that surrounded Robert Quaye’s contract termination from Ghana’s most powerful promotional house BabyJet Promotions, BoxingGhana decided to have an up-close interview with the man in charge of the promotional house who doubles as the first vice President of the Ghana Boxing Authority, Mr. Abraham Kotei Neequaye.

Kindly explain to us exactly your side of the story as far as Robert Quaye’s contract termination was concerned

“I am saying that, Robert Quaye did not leave Baby Jet Promotions.

  1. I, the CEO of Baby Jet Promotions and also the vice president of Ghana Boxing Authority, we signed Robert Quaye, due to the discussion we had with Robert Quaye, in our office. And, I also crosschecked from the GBA. There was no contract between Robert Quaye and any other manager at the GBA. But, we know that Mr. Alhaji, and his brother, Kwasasa, were the people who were taking care of Robert Quaye when we started this whole thing.”

Mr. Neequaye stated, therefore answering the question why he did not consulted Robert Quaye’s managers.

Mr Neequaye further explains;

“So, we asked Robert Quaye what is the relationship, and what is going on, since there is no contract? He said to us that they have solved all problems. So, based on that we went in and signed the boy. But, immediately, the next day, the other people, Alhaji and Kwasasa, called me, and then they made me know that they have a verbal, this thing (agreement), with Robert Quaye. I said, “Okay. If that is the issue, I am going to release him immediately.” So, I did a release for him. Because, we, BabyJet, the brand we have is so big that we don’t want to get involved with a boxer having an issue. So, immediately I released him.” The CEO stated in clear terms the reasons that led to the termination of the contract.

He further explained the attempt by many to convinced him to rescind his decision

“A lot of people spoke to me. He(Robert Quaye), himself, spoke to me. His uncle, those that came to sign the contract, spoke to me. I said, No. I have to release the boy to go and solve his problems. So, if after the release, maybe he has gotten a shelter somewhere else, it is boxing. We, the BabyJet brand, is so big that we will never follow a boxer.” He stated.

The first Vice of the Ghana Boxing Authority touched on Don’s promotions

“Don’s Promotions, they are new promoters that have come. If, maybe he has offered something big to those people (Robert Quaye’s handlers), we (BabyJet promotions) were not ready to do any business, in terms of money, with anybody, because Robert Quaye is not in any ratings.” He stated.

He explained his decision not to make monetary commitment on Robert Quaye;

“So, therefore, as the CEO of Baby Jet Promotions, I see no reason why I should sit down and pay money to get Robert Quaye. Because, after I take Robert Quaye, we are going to spend a lot of money on Robert to get him to the top.

The focus is to make a boxer a world champion. Not to sign a boxer to roam about in Ghana. So, that is our stand when it comes to we releasing Robert Quaye to go and sort his problems. So, if he has gone and he has solved his problems, yes, we pray for him.

There are other boxers that we can help. As you know, Game Boy is still under BabyJet Promotions. So, we have this brand and we are working with the brand, and we have other juvenile boxers that are in Asamoah Gyan’s Foundation. So we have big vision.”

“Robert Quaye going or coming, it is boxing. We, that released Robert Quaye, and it was something that even the boxer was a little bit disappointed that such things happen in his life. If, by the grace of God, he have gone, and Don’s want to do the job, we can’t do the job. Baby Jet alone cannot produce all the boxers in Ghana. We encourage new promoters to come into the business. So, for us, we have no … Don’s Promotions just now have only Robert Quaye. So, no problem.

Reporter : And Obodai Sai?

Mr. Neequaye: “And then Obodai Sai. Fine. It is good for Don’s Promotions. Because, to do promotions you need to have boxers. But, for we, as Baby Jet, we know that the boy that we have, our brand, we’ve not finished the job yet. You understand?” Mr Neequaye rhetorically quizzed.

“We moved him (Emmanuel Tagoe) to the WBO number eight. We’ve moved him to the IBF number twelve…  Until we find a world title we have not finished with the brand that we have. You understand? So, we are still focused. Do you understand? So, for me, I have a focus, to make Emmanuel Tagoe a world champion by June.” He stated confidently.

Abraham Neequaye was emphatic, come next year 2019, Emmanuel Tagoe will win the world title.

“So, for me, I have a focus, to make Emmanuel Tagoe a world champion by June next year. I’m saying next year.”

He further sounded home his point on the contract termination as his outfit’s independent decision and anything contrary as falsehood

“What I’m saying is Robert Quaye leaves Baby Jet Promotions to Don’s Promotions it is a big lie. And, we also have a media, official media company that they work for Baby Jet Promotions. So, when they see something like that, by all means they will come in, because it was the next day we released the boy immediately. A lot of people were talking to me not to leave the boy, even the boy himself and his people, but we think we have to let him go.

So, Robert Quaye never left Baby Jet to Don’s Promotions, and nobody can rub shoulders, between Don’s Promotions and Baby Jet. Because Don’s Promotions is a Baby.”

“Yes, it’s a baby. And, when you look at the GBA rules, a baby company like Don’s Promotions can never even stage a big fight, which liaise with another promoter, which I know is doing with Box Office. So, Don’s Promotions is new in the system, and they cannot rub shoulders with us.

Yes, that is true. But when you try to touch the brand … Because if something has come, and you’ve not cross-checked with Baby Jet Promotions, and then you push straight that.

BabyJet promotions led by Neequaye took an exception to boxing Ghana’s headliner which read ” Robert Quaye signs for Don’s promotions after leaving BabyJet promotions.”….


“But when you try to touch the brand … Because if something has come, and you’ve not cross-checked with Baby Jet Promotions, and then you push straight that.”

Through our dialogue with the CEO of BabyJet Promotions we got to know about the offer for Robert Quaye.

“We had a big offer, that the day I was releasing them the guy was crying. Well, maybe we are yet to see the offer they (Don’s Promotions) have for the boy. But we put up a car, a house, and a signed deal.”

He (Neequaye) felt Roberts Quaye’s handlers do not have his best interest at heart

“I don’t think these people have it for the boy.” He further elaborated on the offer

“Our signup fee for the boy was big. If you look at the quote my boss, the president, made, he should get the guy a car and get him a house. If you don’t know, Emmanuel Tagoe have a house, a big house of his own. A very three bedroom house with apartments at Legon, and he has three cars, as I’m speaking to you. So, we, our signup fee was a car and a house. That is why I said that, apart from these things I’m giving to the boy, I am not going to negotiate with anybody to pay another money.”

According to Mr. Neequye he refused to negotiate with Robert Quaye’s managers.

“Yes, I told them I’m not going to negotiate.” Mr. Neequaye concluded.

Background: BabyJet promotions signed Robert Quaye on a three year deal only to abrogate the deal six (6) days into the contract. A move that made many questioned their “due diligence” and “competence.”
