Ghanaian boxers to fight in a boxing league …Carl Lokko



As part of many deals the astute boxing trainer, the director of Bronx Boxing Gym and Ghana Boxing Authority’s assistant technical director, Lawrence Carl Lokko embarked on in the United Kingdom, he has finally signed a deal with the promoter of Queensberry Boxing League to get Ghanaian boxers, especially Bronx Boxing protégés to be part of the league.

Queensberry Boxing League promoter Ross Minter, expressed joy in signing this deal. “I’m delighted to have sign such an important program with Carl Lokko to have great shows here in the United Kingdom with Ghanaian boxers” he said.
“I have had quiet some stint with him some years back and believes that this deal will unearth world champions.” Minter added.

The deal will see Ghanaian boxers taking part in a very competitive boxing league in the United Kingdom periodically to shape, condition and prepare them to become world champions. Launched in 2010 as a brand new boxing platform for British based boxers to compete on, the Queensberry Boxing League has firmly established itself as one of UK’s most exciting boxing competitions.

“I’m determine to take boxing in Ghana to the next level, and give our boxers that international exposure to deal with the fright that usually visits young Ghanaian boxers when they travel outside the country.” Carl Lokko said in responding to the motivation behind this deal. “I have seen it many times and tested it with a lot of boxers that has gone through my tutelage, and knows that this exposure will benefit both Ghana boxing and British boxing as well.” Carl Lokko added.

The Bronx Boxing Gym has started an academy to train juvenile boxers which Carl Lokko says that the future of Ghanaian boxing will be more resolute and forthright if it is hinged on academies like these.
