George Faho Mensah Stops Burkinabe Opponent Patrice Sou Toke In Round 1
George Faho Mensah also known as ‘Stopper’ by his numerous fans stopped his Burkinabe opponent in the first round of their 10 rounds scheduled bout in Lome, Togo on Saturday, March 22, 2025.
He gave much thanks to the Almighty for the quick win and his management SP Sport Management Team for the massive support as well as family and friends for their prayers and motivation.
The 42 year old Patrice SouToke, an experienced boxer now drops in his record of 23 – 13 -1, while George Faho Mensah who is moving steadily bo Become a champion now has (10-1-0) and gradually building himself to become one of the best and favourite boxers in Africa.
The young welterweight campaigner is now among the feared boxers and opponents are running from him.
According to his manager, Samuel Darkwa Agyei, of SP Management, they are looking forward to get international bouts in other African countries like South Africa, Namibia, Tanzania or Nigeria and possibly Europe or America.
George Faho Mensah has won all his recent bouts and keeps on making new friends and attracting more fans and supporters.
According to manager Darkwa Agyei, the sky is the limit and his ward will certainly become a champion.
By Sammy Heywood Okine