GBA  sends Congratulatory message to  Black Stars For Qatar Qualification



GBA  sends Congratulatory message to  Black Stars For Qatar Qualification

The Ghana Boxing Authority(GBA) first of all wants to express massive profound gratitude to God for leading Ghana to earned qualification for world Cup Qatar 2022 at the expense of Nigeria and the fourth times in her records.

The Ghana Football Association(GFA)under the leadership of Mr. Kurt Okraku deserves to be commended for a yeoman’s job done in the midst of countless challenges and uncertainties.

The Ghana Black Stars team under Coach Otto Addo revealed vital information on effective management, effective communication and effective relationship in football coaching and in any other organizational leadership. The teamwork spirit exhibited by the Technical Advisor, Chris Hughton, Otto Addo(Head Coach) and two assistance(George Boateng and Mas-ud Didi Dramani) must be acknowledged and appreciated by all.

The Ghana Boxing Authority(GBA)wishes to congratulate the entire Black Stars team and the GFA for a memorable and historic achievement in a World Cup qualifying match against a favourable Nigerian Super Green Eagles team made up of quality and experienced players.

As the GBA President, I was highly optimistic the Black Stars would qualify for Qatar 2022 regardless of the odds against the team. The Boxing Fraternity under my leadership supported the Black Stars both physically and spiritually and believed success will be ours.

The GBA President and his Executive Board members are very grateful to God for answering their two crucial prayers: protect Black Stars players in the two legged matches against injuries, casualties, ill-luck and calamity; bless the team with victories that could catapult Ghana into Fifa World Cup Qatar 2022.All prayers answered.

On behalf of the entire Ghana boxing fraternity, I will like to once again commend the government, Minister for Youth and Sports, Hon. Mustapha Ussif, FA President, Kurt Okraku, the technical team headed by Otto Addo, Black Stars management Committee and entire Ghanaians for the prayers and supports offered the Black Stars both in Kumasi and Abuja.

As a country, United we shall always stand and win; divided we shall always fall and lose.

God bless our homeland Ghana and make our Black Stars great and strong in Qatar 2022 world Cup .


Abraham Kotei Neequaye

(GBA President)
