GBA presented assorted food items to boxing gyms nationwide


GBA presented assorted food items to boxing gyms nation wide

Thursday the 18th of June 2020 after an all important stakeholder meeting to determine the future of boxing and the new normal with regards to boxing events in this period of COVID-19 pandemic, the Ghana Boxing Authority (GBA) supports boxing gyms with food items.

The GBA through its President Lawyer Peter Zwennes presented assorted food stuffs ranging from rice, cooking oil, beverages, milk and many other food stuffs worth thousands of Ghana cedis to the various gyms across the country.

The COVID-19 scare have had heavy ramifications on every activity world wide forcing countries to close their borders to protect their nationals. Government of Ghana’s subsequent announcement on restrictions and ban on all contact sports to help trace and treat contacts of contracted persons rendered the business of boxing dormant. This affected trainers, boxers, managers and promoters as well other auxiliary services in the industry and put enormous pressure on the regulator (GBA) to support boxers during this period. Therefore the GBA accessing how bad the pandemic has affected the industry, responded to calls for it to support boxers and gyms to go through these hard times.

“We are grateful to Ghana gas, Streetwise Foundation, MC-Bbphylls Protocol Consult for their support when we approached them to support our gyms. They have been so instrumental to what you have witnessed here but for them this occasion would not have happened.” Said Patrick Johnson the Secretary General of the GBA.

“This presentation is not going to the professional boxers but the juvenile boxers as well, that is why we presented the items in two sections. The first was with a representative from the juvenile boxing department and then the latter was that of the professionals as well” he hastily added.

Mr. Charles Quartey from the Charles Quartey Foundation and Gym collected the items on behalf of juvenile boxing and Mr. Rashid Williams also known as “Believer” also received that of professional boxing.
