Funeral of the late Herbert Nii Kpakpo Allotei Cofie This Weekend On October 4th / 5th


Funeral of the late Herbert Nii Kpakpo Allotei Cofie This Weekend On October 4th / 5th

The funeral arrangement of the late Herbert Nii Kpakpo Allotei Cofie takes place in Accra this weekend.

According to family sources, the Wake Keeping is at his residence at Dansoman Last Stop, Kofi Ne Ama Junction, Adjacent Oddarene Christian School on October 4, 2019.

The Burial Service comes off at the Wesley Methodist Church, Accra on October 5, 2019.

Reception would be held in his memory at the Bukom Boxing Arena after the burial.

The late Nii Kpakpo Allotei Cofie, 51 was the founder of Allotei Cofie Boxing and he organised weekly boxing for juvenile boxers at James Town.

He was an executive member of the Ghana Boxing Authority (GBA), member of the Ghana Cycling Association and an expert in Tourism.

He was instrumental in the construction of the Bukom Boxing Arena and would be remembered also for naming his bills with names like ‘Yaa Bi Onye’ and others.

He was son of the late Lawyer Allotei Cofie aka Nii Ajenkwa who rose to become vice president of the World Boxing Council (WBC).

He left behind a wife, Bosomah and a son Reginald Allotei Cofie.

Attire for the funeral is red and black.

By Sammy Heywood Okine
