Floyd Mayweather Jnr. hints on a possible visit to Ghana from Dubai


Floyd Mayweather Jr. has for the second time since 2017 hinted on a possible visit to Ghana in a video posted yesterday.

In May 2017, the boxer revealed plans of coming to Ghana, even confirmed the date as 15th and 16th June. However, this did not materialize.

Subsequently, the date was updated to December but then again that did not materialize.

The two time winner of ring magazine of the year has once again hinted on a possibility of visiting our dear motherland.

“I am now in Bangkok, Thailand, as you can see the room is presidential, am world wide with this…I am on my way probably to Dubai. I was in Japan, went to Hong Kong, now i am in Bangkok, Thailand about to head over to Dubai, probably switch over to Ghana. Just moving over the world, you know how it is… just follow me on my tour.”

Speculations are rife, but when BoxingGhana contacted the Ghana Boxing Authority’s Secretary General, Mr. Patrick Johnson, he could not confirm.

“I have no information to that effect and the Authority is oblivious of anything of such.” He expressed.

Arguably the most successful American boxer of all time has the penchant for saying things like to that effect.
