EXCLUSIVE: Five Years Banned Richard Nii Lartey issues An Unqualified Letter of Appology to GBA


Ghana’s Heavyweight prospect Richard Nii Lartey

Ghana’s heavyweight prospect Richard Nii Lartey Harrison has issued an unqualified report to the Ghana Boxing Authority for his conduct that led to the 5 years ban handed to him by the boxing governing body.


The tough heavyweight puncher was handed the sanction for forging a released letter from the GBA with a forged signature of the GBA Secretary-General, Patrick Johnson, for his bout with Fabio Wardley in the UK on November 21, 2020.


In a letter dated 27th September, 2021, Richard Lartey apologized to Ghana’s top boxing sanctioning body for his conducts. The letter read


“I wish to render my unqualified apology to you, the entire Executive Members of the boxing authority and the boxing fraternity for comments that I made about the Authority during a radio talk show and the gross disrespect that I exhibited for not showing up to answer a query preferred against me.


Upon a sober reflection, I have come to the realization that I took a wrong approach in addressing the managerial issues pertaining to my contract. Psychologically, it had an effect on me and this brought about my fall out with the hierarchy of the boxing authority. It is in this light that I am pleading for forgiveness from the Authority.”


Having apologized, Richard Lartey (14-4, 11KOs) continued with a plea for the authority to take a second look at the punishment handed to him which he fear will end his career


“Lastly, I would like to plead with your esteemed office to take a second look at the sanction that has been imposed on me. Should the sanction be left to run its full course, it would end my career abruptly and this could bring about untold hardships to my nuclear family. I would be extremely grateful if you should ameliorate this for me.


I am counting on your usual cooperation.” The letter ended.


It must be noted that, BoxinGhana.com reached out to the Secretary General of the GBA, Mr. Patrick Johnson at around 9:35am this morning and disclosed to us that, GBA has not received any letter from Richard Nii Lartey Harrisson.

We’ll keep readers informed on any update pertaining to Lartey’s letter to the GBA.


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