Exclusive: Close Up With Osuman Faruza, Ghana’s Young Skilful Female Boxer


Ghana has a lot of aspiring sportsmen and women, indeed the nation is blessed with talents in all fields of sports.

Versatile Sports Journalist, Sammy Heywood Okine (SHO) also known as General One caught up with young aspiring female champion boxer at the Accra Sports Stadium as she was preparing for the 12th African Games in Morocco.

She has been training daily with the Black Bombers, and has been tagged as a medal hopeful due to her determination, desire, discipline and self motivation.

Here are excerpts of the exclusive interview –

SHO: Please Your Full Name?

OF: Please my name is Osuman Faruza aka Dainty Facouzy

SHO: What about your Level of Education, as I can see you are very bold?

OF: Senior High School (SHS) Graduate

SHO: Which Schools did you attended?

OF: Ok O went to Hillside School Complex, that from Kindergaten to Junior Hight School (JHS), then went to Kinbu Senior high Technical.

SHO: How old are you now?

OF: Am 21 years old but will be 22 next coming Monday .that is 29/07/2019

SHO: Your marital status?

OF: Single

SHO: What are your Hobbies?

OF: I love Playing Football and Boxing

SHO: What is Your Best TV Program?

OF: I don’t have one because I hardly watch TV

SHO: What is your Best Dish?

OF: I love Rice balls with Groundnut Soup

SHO: Name your Best Car?

OF: Pontiac Vibe

SHO: Your Best Player Home / abroad?

OF: Stephen Appiah and Michael Essien

SHO: Do you have any inspiror or motivator?

OF: Yes, My Coaches and Team mates. Especially My senior mates Musah Lawson, Abdul Wahid Omar, Abubakari Quartey, Suleiman Tetteh, Jessie Lartey and Yaw Addo.The Bombers always keep my Spirit high in the Game

SHO: Who is Your Best Sportsman?

OF: Professor Azumah Nelson, Our Greatest Boxing Champion

SHO: Who is Your Best Sports woman?

OF: Laila Ali

SHO: Who are Your Parents?

OF: Osuman Amadu and Asafo -tei Abiba

SHO: Where do You Live – Residence?

OF: Nima Kanda High way

SHO: Do you have a Sports Manager?

OF: No, I am looking for a Manager, If You can help me

SHO: What is your Ambition in life?

OF: To become a Military Personnel, I just love they way they do their things.

SHO: Why did you choose sports?

OF: Because I have Passion for Sports and I feel good taking part in Sports. Sports has a lot of potential to grow in Ghana. Because there are a lot of people out there / around who want to do Sports but there is no Support. Sports is going to get better if the Government put in support or help people who have the passion for sports and Parents too.

SHO: Why did you choose Boxing?

OF: I choose boxing because it  was degraded to be a game for the illiterates and ignorant people, but illiterates can never box because boxing consists of discipline, intelligence and smartness.If you are dull, you can never box. I am also very confident and courageous. I got love for boxing because it has taught me to be mentally multi – tasking on several levels, while displaying my skill and talent in the required manner.

Boxing has also been a Sports already existing; but classified as a game’s men, and that also puts me up for the challenge to prove that boxing is no doubt a Sports and as a Sport it does not belong to a specific gender, but rather a game for all – male, female, young, old, black and white, even the handicapped with hands can box.

SHO: Nice, What is the name of your Gym and Coach?

OF: My Gym is known as the Fit Square Boxing Gym and my trainer is Coach Lartekwei Lartey, assistant national team coach.

SHO: What is your fight record / Number of fights?

OF: I just begun but it is 3 Fights, 1 win with Two Draws

SHO: Do you have any message to your fans?

OF: Yes, they should always keep their support high for the love of the game and always remember me in prayers and definitely I will lift the flag of our motherland (Ghana) high and make them proud.

Wasiru Mohammed and Dalvin Nelson (the son of Azumah Nelson) also motivate me to work harder in terms of sparring with them and they pressure me, that enable me to work harder.

SHO: Can Ghana win an Olympic Gold Medal?

OF: Yes Ghana can win. Ghana can win Olympic Gold medal if the support are equally divided to all sports rather than depend on one sports. There must be equal treatment to all Sports personnel, good training facilities and enough training equipments and also checking on Athlete’s Nutritional background and health and if all this are taken into consideration there would be more medals in Ghana and also Team Spirit also counts a lot . We must all have the same intention play our hearts out to always lift the Flag of our Motherland high.

SHO: What are your views on combining Education and Sports?

OF: Sports and Education are equally important and work hand to hand .You are educated to be a better even in the Sports you have passion for .The out put of education allows you to be a better Sports man. Education is equally important in sports and without it there is no way you can express yourself in public or understand what your coach or boss is teaching you to do.Thank you for this wonderful opportunity. God Bless You.

SHO: Welcome

