
In an exclusive statement to BoxingGhana.Com, your most authoritative boxing portal can confirm that BabyJet Promotions today abrogated their contract with Ghanaian boxing sensation  Robert Quaye.

The content of the letter headlined:

“Released to settle issues with former management ” stated the following

“The BabyJet Boxing Promotions has officially released you from the three (3) years promotional and managerial agreement we signed on 22nd November, 2018, at the HillView Guest Centre.

This unfortunate decision was taken due to the verbal threats from your former management that you are still their boxer and will continue to be theirs.

Contrary to what you told us before the signing of the agreement that you have no agreement whatsoever with your former management, We have officially released you to go back to your former management to settle whatever scores you have.

This decision takes immediate effect from today 28th November, 2018.

You are no longer our boxer under promotional or managerial  agreement.” It concluded with a ‘Thank You.’

The released letter was signed by the new Chief Executive Officer of BabyJet promotional hub Abraham Kotei Neequaye .

The background:

BabyJet Jet promotions signed Robert Quaye who purportedly, in contract with former management after signing two days earlier with the Don’s promotions to fight on it’s 26 December bill christened “the clash of the titans.”

After some background investigation to ascertain the crux of the fact, it emerged that indeed, the previous management had no knowledge of the said promotional deal hence resorting to verbal threats.

But Abraham Neequaye has finally decided to abrogate his contract to bring hostilities to a halt.

Intercepted letter by BOXINGGHANA

