Emmanuel Tagoe: I won for you Ghanaians, yet you are not happy!


Ghana’s Emmanuel the ‘Game boy’ Tagoe was upset at the fans of the pugilist sport who tripped to the Bukom Boxing Arena over their unhappiness at his victory last Saturday.

“I won and yet you are not happy” exclaimed the champion in his native Ga dialect.

The Argentine had complained on several counts during the fight about Tagoe’s tactics and even launched a scathing remark on referee Roger Barnor.

But truth be told, Saucedo did not come to fight but rather to protect the ventilation of his face. He hardly gave Tagoe a run for his money.

Throughout their encounter, Saucedo was only protecting his face.

No wonder the referee decided that enough was enough.

Referee Roger Barnor (white) Emmanuel Tagoe and fernando Saucedo.


The fight lasted for 10 solid rounds and I still can’t recollect one single combination of a punch that the challenger gave the champion.


Fans were not happy with the output of both boxers but it was relatively obvious that upon all the showmanship by Tagoe, he was by far the only fighter who wanted to win -and he won.


If there was one thing that needed to be learnt, it certainly would be the communication Team of Tagoe. They have a lot of work to do. Boxers must be coached in the art of public speaking.


He could have simply apologised to the fans and let them know that Saucedo did not just grant him the fight he needed. simplicita!

