Dogboe, Azumah Nelson and Duke Micah bids J. J. Rawlings farewell


The demise of Flt Lt Jerry John Rawlings was indeed a shock to all especially those in the sporting fraternity who had personal encounter with him.

Many from various walk of lives paid their last respect to the late former president before he was finally laid to rest on Thursday, 28th January at the Burma Camp Millitary cemetary .

The boxing hall of famer Azumah Nelson, Isaac Dogboe and Duke Micah among others in the boxingdom paid their last tribute to Ghana’s longest serving president stating their memorable encounter with him which had significant effects in their lives as well as their career

“While I trained as a struggling boxer, I would randomly receive portions of beans and gari. It wasn’t until years later that I discovered we were beneficiaries of the debt you owed the beans sellers. You even rented an appartment for me” Words of the Boxing Hall of Famer, Azumah Nelson.

Duke Akuetteh Micah on facebook recountered how his career took shape upon the late Rawlings words to him

“You encouraged me the very first day we met at your house when we were about fighting the WBC international tittle, all you told me was not to underrate my opponent and I sticked  to your advice and I came out victorious.

May the lord almighty keep you safe and grant you eternal rest….#SleepWellPapaJay 🇬🇭🇬🇭🙏🙏”

The former WBO Super Bantam world champion Isaac Dogboe who had also met him on several occasions paid his last respect

“He was a great man and God sent and there will be no one like him. This is where I bid you farewell.  You will forever be in our hearts”

Also on twitter the Royal Storm stated

” May The Light That Was Commanded On Monday, The First Day Of Creation As The LORD Said “LET THERE BE LIGHT”

May That Light Guide You To Your Creator In Your New Dwelling Place. NEHO!❤️❤️



-Isaac Kojo Dogboe”

We all at Boxing Ghana together with boxing fans say Rest Well Papa J.
