CWG: Abdul Wahib Omar to face Louis Richarno of Mauritius in the semi-final bout on Saturday


Ghana’s Light Welterweight (Men’s Over 60kg – 63.5kg) contender at the ongoing Commonwealth Games in Birmingham, Abdul Wahib Omar (28yrs) is set to face Louis Richarno Colin (35yrs) from Mauritius in the semi finals.


The sole medalist (Bronze) for Team Ghana in the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow-Scotland will have to overcome his Mauritius counterpart to book a place in the final. The semi-final bout between Wahid and Colin will take place on Saturday, 6th August, 4pm at the Nec Hall 4.


The other 60kg-63.5kg semi-final bout will be between Reese Lynch of Scotland and Canada’s Wyatt Sanford also on August 6.


With Abdul Wahid guaranteed to win at least a Bronze medal, he’s just two wins away to win the ultimate (Gold) for Team Ghana.
