Confirmed: GBA 1st Vice-President Rabbon Dodoo Resigns


Rabbon Dodoo

Confirmed: GBA 1st Vice-President Rabbon Dodoo Resigns

Mr Rabbon Dodoo, the first vice president of the Ghana Boxing Authority (GBA) has today May 8, 2024 tendered his resignation with immediate effect from the high office of Ghana boxing.

He did not state whether it was due to his health, however Friends Of Boxing and all boxing fans wish him well.


Boxing Ghana can confirm that the first vice president of the Ghana Boxing Authority Rabbon Dodoo has exited his position with immediate effect citing personal reasons.

In a letter addressed to the Secretary General of the Ghana Boxing Authority and copied the president of the GBA Abraham Kotei Neequaye, Rabbon articulated his resignation as an executive board member as well.

“I write to extend my warmest regard to the executive board of the Ghana Boxing Authority (GBA) and wish to resign as the 1st vice president as well as an executive board member of the GBA with immediate effect.” He said.

“This resignation has come at the time that I have pondered over many things and believe it serves right that I should resign based on personal reasons.

” I wish to show my appreciation to all the members of the board with regards to the good times and love we shared as board members and pray your continuous stay should bring to bear the good fruit that we are all yearning for professional boxing in Ghana.

I believe this letter will be given the necessary consideration needed.” He concluded

He further copied all stakeholders including the Boxing Ring Officials Association of Ghana, United Boxing Coaches Association of Ghana ,Boxing Promoters Association of Ghana ,Boxing Managers Association of Ghana ,Boxing Matchmakers & Agents Association of Ghana ,Boxers Association of Ghana, Old Boxers Association of Ghana and Boxing Ring Officials Association of Ghana.

