

It’s fight night on the 2nd February 2019 inside Texas, USA. Time: 2am

Boxinghana’s editor Dennis Moore as usual comes up with the most incisive predictions and analysis on both pugilists ahead of the epic clash.


I strolled past the naturally endowed breezy bukom environs.

Checking through the various gyms inside the gifted boxing community. I came across the huge poster of Richard commey firmly stuck on a wooden frame. I knew immediately how a victory on Feb 2nd would mean to the locality.

Without mincing words, Ghana is set to be thrown into a rapturous jubilation when the new silverware is won.


Ever since I began watching Richard commey, I have hardly commented on his exploits.

What drew me closer to this fearless chap was when he engaged Robert Easter. Jnr.

Great fight by all standards. Great display of a heartless ring decor.

Commey demonstrated an enigma of a locally refined courageous boxer devoid of any foreign cowardice.

Now, my next watch on his fight against Alejandro Luna was even more refreshing.

Luna, before that fight had impeccable statistics in the ring and indeed Stormed the ring with pride.

The first three rounds was devastating and Luna was a real piston in his glove trade, attacking like a hungry bullock.

The knock out punch from Commey was a flash. A lucrative left combo that ended the trance of the beleaguered Mexican.

Act IV scene III in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar reminds me of what Brutus said: ” There is a tide in the affairs of men which when taken at the floods leads on to fortune “. Absolutely!!

The tides have blown over the years with futuristic grin. He has been obsessed with a life beaming ambition which inevitably has to be accomplished. Just inevitable.

I feel like presenting to you the new IBF lightweight champion of the world in January, 2019 Richard Oblitey Commey.

You see, I have never written any story with such unstable passion and confidence for the past five years. But when victory beckons, the soul reckons.


Trance and a dream are surely two different components. Again,when COMMEY fought Robert easter last year, I had to watch that particular fight over five times and ample research questionnaire to arrive at my predictions. Look, without any shred of exaggeration, I believe that fight could have been a draw. It was a serious series of an epistolic 36 minute encounter that proved the bukom lad was all riped for glory. The round of six was even more glorious. COMMEY laid a formidable foundation to earn the number one spot as a contender.

With two successive knockout victories over Yardley Cruz and Alejandro Luna, Commey was all convinced in his upsurge desire on the rankings before the Easter verdict.

His losses against Shafikov and Easter in 2016 are still not a deterrent for COMMEY whose thirst for a world title is ultimate.

I believe Ghanaian pugilists who have traded with Commey would be proud of him. Yes. The likes of Oblie Issaka, Kumasi Doe, Tetteh Lamptey,Dan Quartey, Yaw sakiya, and Korley collison. All his first 12 fights were established by way of knockouts.

Commey’s inking record ahead of the CHANIEV clash surpasses oral commentary. It is a reality of self brilliance. Period.


13 fights with 6 knockouts clearly indicates where the predictive barometer is leaning towards.

I have taken my time to watch all his fights. And frankly I can tell all my cherished readers that CHANIEV will fall.

With a 43% of his knockout ratio, I doubt his power punch stats and there is absolutely no way the Russian can harvest.

He had 3 fights in 2017 and only one fight in 2018- that was against Ismael Barosso of Venezuela somewhere may this year. That fight saw both pugilists travelling the full rounds. Chaniev winning by a UD.


Chaniev hits and run. He hardly would stand toe to toe with his opponents. His punches lack potency. These are not punches that can back off Commey. Not the least.

Of over the 170 tough Mexican boxers in statistics, he ranks below sea level.

Against Papazov, he was nakedly exposed.

Chaniev hasn’t seen a brawler like Commey before and this fight will convince me about the toughness of the Russian.


Clearly, without any shred of doubt, Richard Commey will become the new IBF world champion against the low keyboard Russian who may need to understudy his octaves against a slugger from the Bukom.

Commey should end the fight in round 6. Above this round it will surely be a unanimous victory for Commey.

Let’s get ready to rumble.



