British & Irish Boxing Authority (BIBA) Guidelines on Returning to Training


Following the United Kingdom Governments recent announcement of the relaxing of restrictions following the COVID-19 Pandemic, means that Professional Boxers and Elite Amateur Boxers may return to training from THURSDAY 4TH JUNE in England if adhering to the following guidelines.

  • All license holders must adhere to the Government guidelines on social distancing when traveling to and from the training venue. This means maintaining a two metre space between yourself and any other person.
  • We also advise wearing of face-mask (or any other method of covering mouth and nose) and surgical gloves if travelling on Public Transport and hand sanitise or wash hands for twenty seconds once arrived at the venue.
  • On arrival at the training facility it is advised that the temperature of the boxer is monitored by a hand held non-invasive thermometer.
  • If a known or suspected case of COVID-19 is identified the individual in question should self-isolate and follow the Governments Public Health Guidelines.
  • If possible undertake training in an outside space. If it is impossible to train outdoors please ensure the training area has good ventilation.
  • BIBA Affiliated Gyms should be sanitised prior to the resumption of training of Boxers.
  • There will be times, such as undertaking pad-work, where the two metre distance cannot be adhered to. In this situation it is advised that the coach should wear personal protection equipment, such as fluid resistant face mask, full face visor and disposable surgical gloves.
  • Sparring is not recommended or authorised at this time.

PLEASE NOTE: Current UK Government Guidelines state that subject to the R figure continuing to come down that sparring may resume from Saturday 13th June in England. Further guidelines will be issued by the British & Irish Boxing Authority by the 10th June should this be the case.
