Boxing Ghana Awards: Check Out the Citations for Mary Torgbor, Imax Promotions and James Okoe


Boxing Ghana, your most authoritative portal for Ghana pugilism and beyond has selected Mary Torgbor of Wisdom Boxing Gym as the Female Boxer of the year 2022.

She emerged as the youth champion and the elite champion in the Greater Accra region, excelling beyond her peers in the calender season.

Other notable winners as posted by the portal are Imax Media Promotions which emerged as the outstanding promotional syndicate. Their citation read

“In partnership with De-luxy paint, Premium Motors and Max TV, Imax Promotions staged a successful boxing league, raising Ghana Boxing to a different level.”

James Okoe of ‘BooksB4Hooks’ fame, won the amateur boxer of the year, James is the current flyweight champion of both the elite and youth tournament of the Greater Accra Boxing tournament for 2022.

Watch the space for the citations of all the winners.
