Black Bombers B arrive safely in Hungary.
Ghana’s feeder team to Black Bombers proper have safely arrived in the Hungarian city of Debrecen, to participate in the 62nd Bockai Istvan Memorial International Boxing Tournament.
The team made up of four officials and six talented boxers touched down today and have already settled in their Hotel room.
Abdul Samad Mohammed, Vice-President of the Ghana Boxing Federation (GBF) spoke with boxingghana.com and updated us on the current happenings
“Tomorrow is the weigh-in (make weight) ceremony, and the boys are ready for the event”
“As you are aware, we arrived today and have already lodged in our Hotel which coincidentally houses the officials as well. So everything is going well.” -retorted the very hard working Vice President of the Ghana Boxing Federation.
Ghana are assembling some very quality talents for this tournament under the able tutelage of the very experienced pugilist trainer , Coach Charles Allotey.
For Ghana, the main aim of participating is to give these budding talents the opportunity to learn and gain experience for the future.
Most Ghanaians are already excited about the kind of talents being churned out of our over 25 boxing gyms scattered across the city of Accra.