BIBA Boss Gianluca Di Caro (Rio) Recommends Bronx Boxing Gym In Ghana


BIBA Boss Gianluca Di Caro (Rio) Recommends Bronx Boxing Gym In Ghana

Gianluca Di Caro, President of the British and Irish boxing Authority (BIBA) has recommended the Bronx Boxing Gym in Accra, Ghana as one of the best in Africa and the world.

He said the gym has great potentials at the juvenile, amateur and professional categories.

Di Caro, a well respected boxing official in the world congratulated the gym and head coach for producing a world champion, and also has room to unearth more champions.

He described Coach Carl Lokko as a good trainer who has eyes for spotting talent, and someone very devoted to the development and promotion of boxing in Ghana and Africa.

The Bronx Gym has over 40 boxers who train daily, but due to the coronavirus epidemic, the have rescheduled their training with Coach Lokko devising online techniques and tactics. He also calls the boxers on phone to advise and take complaints.

Ghana has produced 10 world champions and many Commonwealth and African Champions.

He advised Ghanaian boxers to train hard to become champions.

By Sammy Heywood Okine
