Boxers in Ghana have been advised to take advantage of the coastline to practice variety training.
Workout on the beach sands according to experts helps build strength, strengthen the muscles and improve speed [Link]
Beaches in Ghana are popular workout spots for keepfit clubs and it is not uncommon to find scores of people training here on weekend mornings.
Coach Emmauel Adjei, trainer of SWAG professional Boxer of the year 2021 and Head Coach of the Black Panthers Boxing Foundation have been taking his boxers through daily morning beach workouts since 26th of January 2022.

The regime includes jogging up and down the steep stairs that leads to Shiphauzz Beach behind the Ussher Fort, coupled with circuit training and team workout on the beach sands.
Coach Adjei explains that he designed this program to help build his boxers’ stamina and cardio.
“My goals is to develop wholistic fitness in my boxers and I am confident this plan is working. I will like to advise all boxers to use the beach, we are lucky to have this resource so let’s maximize it”.
The program is still evolving and on 2nd February, 2022 Black Panthers team welcomed Bronx Boxing Club boxers to join them in training

Do you train at the Beach? Share your results below