1st World Olympic Boxing Qualifying Event – Statistics after the last competition day
The general statistics of the 1st World Olympic Boxing Qualifying Event:
- Number of participants: 598
Number of participating countries: 112
- The biggest delegations: South Korea with 13 boxers; Greece, Poland and Ukraine with 12 boxers; Canada, Germany, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Venezuela with 11 boxers
- The smallest delegations: Angola, Australia, Austria, Cameroon, Chile, Cook Islands, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guinea-Bissau, Kiribati, Lesotho, Monaco, North Macedonia, Qatar, Tanzania with 1-1 boxer
- Number of weight categories: 13 (6 have female and 7 male weight classes)
- Number of competition days: 9
- Number of bouts after thirteen competition days: 551
- Number of available quotas in the event: 49
- Number of nations with quotas: 32
- Number of confederations with quotas: 3
- Number of quarter-finalists: 104
The following nations earned quotas for Paris 2024 Olympic Games in Busto Arsizio:
– Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan: 5
– Italy: 4
– Poland: 3
– Colombia, Germany, Great Britain, Norway, Philippines: 2
– Azerbaijan, Boxing Refugee Team, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cuba, Dominican Republic, France, Hungary, Ireland, Jordan, Kosovo, Netherlands, Puerto Rico, Serbia, Spain, Chinese Taipei, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkey, United States, Venezuela, Vietnam: 1
Olympic quotas per Confederations:
– Europe, EUBC: 24
– Asia, ASBC: 17
– America, AMBC: 8
– Africa, AFBC: 0
– Oceania, OCBC: 0
Africa’s most impressive performer Nigeria’s Patricia Mbata
By KINCSES TIBOR and AFBC Communications