GBA ELECTIONS: Guidelines for GBA Officers and Executive Board


1. The date for the election shall be Thursday 22ndJuly, 2021 and it shall be held at the Mudor Conference Centre in the Bukom Boxing Arena.

2. Nominations for elections shall open from 1st to 21stJune, 2021 between 9am to 5pm each day.

3. Only Members in Good Standing can contest and/or vote in the GBA Elections. A Member in Good Standing is one who has duly paid for and been issued with a current License.

4. Nomination Forms will be available for purchase at GHc 100.00 each at the GBA Secretariat located at the Bukom Boxing Arena.

5. Candidates vying for positions shall be required to pay the following as submission fees to be eligible to contest:

i. President – GHc 3,000

ii. 1st Vice President – GHc 2,000

iii. 2nd Vice President – GHc 1,500

iv. Treasurer – GHc 1,000

v. Executive Board Member – GHc 700

6. Nominations shall be in respect of the following positions in accordance with Article 4 of the GBA Constitution:

i. President

ii. 1st Vice President

iii. 2nd Vice President

iv. Treasurer

v. 4 other Executive Board Members elected by Congress.

7. A Candidate shall be nominated by a Member in Good Standing. Completed nomination forms shall be submitted in triplicates.

8. A Candidate in good standing shall be seconded by two (2) Members in Good Standing from the duly recognized associations in the boxing fraternity.

9. Candidates shall be required to meet the qualifications set out in Article 4 of the GBA Constitution.

10. Candidates will be vetted on Thursday the 8th day of July, 2021 and balloting for positions of Candidates will held on Thursday the 15th day of July, 2021 at the GBA Secretariat in Bukom Boxing Arena.

11. Former GBA Executive Board Members are qualified to vote.

12. Receipt of Nominations Forms shall be acknowledged indicating the date and time of submission.

13. Where at the close of Nomination for elections:

a) If only one Candidate is nominated for a position that Candidates shall be unopposed and shall be declared elected.

b) If two or more Candidates have been nominated for a position the Candidate who secures the highest number of the valid votes cast shall be declared elected.

c) In respect of elections for the other Executive Board Members, if there are more than four Candidates nominated, the first Candidates who obtain the highest number of valid votes cast will be declared elected.

d) In respect of elections for the other Executive Board Members, if there are only four Candidates nominated, all the four Candidates shall be declared elected.

14. The elections will be supervised by the Electoral Commission of Ghana and must be conducted by secret ballot. Votes must be cast by Members in a transparent ballot box.

15. Any dispute with regards to the elections shall be referred to an Electoral Dispute Committee which shall upon receipt of the Complaint adjudicate and render a final decision before the elections.

Source – GBA EC
